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Trend Reports
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Pradhan, Anjushree, Prakash Dev Pant, and Pav Govindasamy. 2007. Trends in Demographic and Reproductive Health Indicators in Nepal: Further Analysis of the 1996, 2001, and 2006 Demographic and Health Surveys Data. DHS Trend Reports No. 5. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Macro International.
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Publication Date
December 2007
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This report highlights trends in key demographic and health indicators in Nepal from data collected in the three demographic and health surveys: the 1996 Nepal Family Health Survey (NFHS), the 2001 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) and the 2006 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS). Specifically, the report discusses changes in demographic and reproductive health outcomes over the last decade, including changes in fertility, knowledge and practice of family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and infant, child and adult mortality. The report also explores the knowledge of HIV/AIDS over the decade in the country. In addition, this report compares Nepal with other South and Southeast Asian countries that have data from similarly conducted demographic and health surveys. These include India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. The primary objective of this report is to provide information needed by planners, policymakers and program administrators to assess the current situation and trends in Nepal, and to design more effective population and reproductive health programs aimed at achieving positive outcomes in the future. The study aims to present the relative importance of socio-demographic and economic variables in highlighting inter-regional differences in Nepal in 1996-2006 and to gauge the country’s progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.


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