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The DHS Fellows Program

Researchers in DHS countries work with DHS analysts to design, analyze, and write a publishable paper.

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The DHS Fellows Program

The DHS Fellows Program is an important component of the capacity strengthening strategy of The DHS Program. The objective of the Fellows Program is to increase capacity of university faculty from DHS countries and to build long-term institutional sustainability for universities to train students and faculty to further analyze DHS data.

The primary objectives of The DHS Fellows Program are as follows:

  • To teach Fellows to analyze and conduct research using DHS datasets
  • To strengthen skills that Fellows will use to integrate DHS data in teaching
  • To increase the ability of Fellows to strengthen the capacity of others for using DHS data at their home universities

Since 2011, the Fellows Program has trained more than 150 researchers from over 45 universities in 29 DHS countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Fellows map for 2022

The Program provides intensive mentorship to teams of three university faculty members that are selected on a competitive basis from four to six universities every year. The fellowship includes two separate workshops and preparation of publication-quality research papers with mentoring from DHS Program researchers.

Between 2011 and 2022, Fellows have produced 62 high-quality working papers, most of which have been published in peer-reviewed journals. In addition to original research projects, Fellows are also required to design and implement a range of internal capacity strengthening activities at their home universities. Over the years, DHS Fellows have implemented their own capacity strengthening activities in various forms at their home universities and have contributed to the increased use of DHS data in academia in developing countries.

To learn more about the history of the DHS Fellows Program as well as the successes, challenges, and lessons learned, please read the short report published in Global Health: Science and Practice.

*Denotes the working paper has been accepted and published in a peer-reviewed journal.



The DHS Fellows Program was not conducted this year.











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The DHS Fellows Program