Debugging Information
ColdFusion Server Standard 2018,0,19,330149
Template /Publications/Publications-by-Topic.cfm
Time Stamp 13-Oct-24 04:18 AM
Locale English (US)
User Agent CCBot/2.0 (
Remote IP
Host Name

Execution Time

Total Time Avg Time Count Template
2839 ms 114 ms 25 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/ct-render-element.cfm
2823 ms 113 ms 25 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/ct-render-element-core.cfm
1787 ms 1787 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/master.cfm
1787 ms 1787 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/Publications/Publications-by-Topic.cfm
1678 ms 1678 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/cached-page-render.cfm
1506 ms 1506 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/master-render.cfm
1506 ms 1506 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/render-page-meat.cfm
1506 ms 1506 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/render-page.cfm
1506 ms 1506 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/uncached-master.cfm
1490 ms 149 ms 10 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/ct-render-named-element.cfm
1490 ms 1490 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/templates/template-basepage.cfm
1185 ms 1185 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
1140 ms 1140 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/run-element.cfm
952 ms 952 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/controls/customcf/cpe-customcf.cfm
858 ms 858 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/publications/customcf/publications-topic-facet.cfm
172 ms 172 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/update-page-cache-status.cfm
78 ms 78 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/build-and-write-stub.cfm
78 ms 78 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/verify-stub-data.cfm
62 ms 62 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/populate-page.cfm
47 ms 47 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
46 ms 46 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
46 ms 46 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/metadata/build-struct.cfm
39 ms 39 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
32 ms 16 ms 2 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/cache.cfc | getElementCacheSettings(4240, 4243) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/cache.cfc
31 ms 31 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/set-page-vars.cfm
30 ms 30 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/render-head.cfm
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/site-application.cfm
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/site-application-meat.cfm
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/cp-cffile-meat.cfm
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/cp-cffile.cfm
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/write-stub.cfm
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/Publications/Application.cfm
16 ms 16 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/custom-application.cfm
16 ms 16 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/livebookmarks.cfc | getTags(4240) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/livebookmarks.cfc
15 ms 15 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/controls/control-setup.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/commonspot-data/customers/commonspot-users/sites/commonspot-site-dhs/mapped/cache/2/
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ADF/core/load_site_adf.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 2 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/controls/ct-include-once.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/controls/handle-styles.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/controls/upfront-generic.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/lview-contribute-mode-redirect-check.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/non-dashboard-include.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/pagemode/pagemodeui.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/render-body-tag.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/render-foot.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/render-metatags.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/render-tracking-code.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/security/security-page.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/browser-detect-methods.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/build-request-params.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/core-application-meat.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/handle-head-request.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/handle-request-timeout.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/init-customer-scope.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/init-server-scope.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/session-first-global.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/startup/session-first-site.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/style/load-page-classes.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/add-resource-request.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 6 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/add-unregistered-resource-request.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/append-to-resource-group.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/build-user-struct.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 3 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/cp-cfheader.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/cp-cfmail-request-queue.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 2 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/define-upfront-vars.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/flush-cache-db-queue.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 13 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/handle-in-list.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 2 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/item-visible.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/load-template-properties.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/newwindow-js-meat.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 2 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/newwindow-js.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/nocache-headers.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/set-style-vars.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 4 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/validate-date-string.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/utilities/write-page-stub.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/custom-search/inc-custom-application-search-vars.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/publications/publication-template.cfm
0 ms 0 ms 1 C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/templates/template-basepage.head
0 ms 0 ms 2 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-settings-cache.cfc | getPageSettings(1) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-settings-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 2 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-settings-cache.cfc | getPageSettings(1652) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-settings-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 2 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-settings-cache.cfc | getPageSettings(2) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-settings-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 2 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-settings-cache.cfc | getPageSettings(4240) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-settings-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc | DBQueue_Count() ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc | GetPageCacheStatus(1652, 2, 2, 0) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 3 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc | GetPageCacheStatus(4240, 2, 1652, 0) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc | ProcessDBQueue(noWait) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc | UpdateStatus([complex value], [complex value], 2, 4240, 1652, 0, 0, 2) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc | UpdateStatus([complex value], [complex value], 2, 4240, 1652, 0, 0, 90) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc | UpdateStatus(argumentCollection = [complex value]) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/cache-status.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/custom-module-cache.cfc | getCustomAppPath(2) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/custom-module-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/custom-module-cache.cfc | getCustomModulePath(post-page-render, 2) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/custom-module-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/item-security-cache.cfc | GetEntry(4240) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/item-security-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/rewrite-rules-cache.cfc | getRewriteSettings(2) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/rewrite-rules-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/subsite-cache-manager.cfc | getLatest() ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/subsite-cache-manager.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/subsite-cache-manager.cfc | getSecurityPageIDMap([complex value]) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/subsite-cache-manager.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/template-cache.cfc | LoadTemplateProperties(publication-template.cfm, 1652, 2) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/cache/template-cache.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/custom-application-framework/handle-applications.cfc | executeFunction(handleRequestStart) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/custom-application-framework/handle-applications.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/engine/ACF/utilities.cfc | checkFileExists(C:/inetpub/wwwroot/dhs/templates/template-basepage.cfm, 0, false) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/engine/ACF/utilities.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/engine/ACF/utilities.cfc | queryRowToStruct(ArgumentCollection = [complex value]) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/engine/ACF/utilities.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/commonspot-context.cfc | getDSN(site) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/commonspot-context.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent('head' request check) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(CGI variable processing) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(New (global) session initialized) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(Request object updates) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(Request.Params initialized) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(RequestTimeout check) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(Server-level remote requests checked) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(Subsite context updated (ID=2)) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(authoring suspended check) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(basic setup) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(check for server property changes) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(core cleanup) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(core initialization) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(core variables) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(custom-application.cfm) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(customerScope object initialized) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(handleRequestStart) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(init-server-scope loaded) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(lock checks/updates) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(site environment initialization) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(site session check) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(subsite context refreshed) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(user object created) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(user session initialized) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(wait for lock: CommonSpot_Server_Scope (read)) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | addEvent(wait for lock: CommonSpot_Site1_Core (exclusive)) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc | init() ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/debug-timing.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 2 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc | getObject(Cache) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc | getObject(Element) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc | getObject(Keywords) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc | getObject(LiveBookmarks) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc | getObject(keywords) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/object-factory.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/visitor-context-rule-actions.cfc | onPageVisit(4240, 2) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/components/util/visitor-context-rule-actions.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/element.cfc | getInfo(elementTypeID = 26) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/element.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/keywords.cfc | appendEnforced(subsiteIDOrURL = , keywordList = Publications by Topic) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/keywords.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/keywords.cfc | getDelimitedListForObject(objectID = 4240) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/public_api/keywords.cfc
0 ms 0 ms 1 CFC[ C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/udf/database.cfc | getUDF(commonspot-site-dhs) ] from C:/inetpub/wwwroot/commonspot/udf/database.cfc
red = over 250 ms average execution time

SQL Queries

get (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=217) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\custom-application.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
    	SELECT lang_text_var, lang_text_en
        FROM dataset_lang_dictionary
CacheInfo (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=26) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\components\cache\cache-status.cfc @ 04:18:08.008
			  FROM ElementInstance
			 WHERE SubsiteID=?
				AND PageID=?
				AND IsWIP=? 
				AND ServerID=? 
		 ORDER BY ControlID DESC,CacheLevel
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1

GetPageRec (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\verify-stub-data.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
		  FROM SitePages
			AND AudienceID=0
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

GetPageRec (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\build-and-write-stub.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
	  FROM SitePages
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

inheritedCacheSettings (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=16ms, Records=3) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\populate-page.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
		SELECT StaleCacheMaxKeepTime,DynamicContentCacheKeepTime
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE (ID IN (?,?,?)) 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652

GetBaseTemplateSubSiteID (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\populate-page.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
		  FROM SitePages, Subsites
		 WHERE SitePages.SubSiteID = Subsites.ID
			AND Subsites.ID = ? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1

qParentTemplateInfo (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\populate-page.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
			SELECT PageType
			  FROM SitePages
			 WHERE ID = ? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652

qry (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\core.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
					SELECT SubsiteID
					  FROM SitePages
					 WHERE ID = ? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2,8,6,3,11,14,15))
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

qryKeywords (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\components\keywords-tags\keywords-tags-base.cfc @ 04:18:08.008
		SELECT OriginalString AS Word 
				, KeywordType As KeywordTypeID
		  FROM ObjectKeywords
		 WHERE ObjectID = ? 
			AND KeywordType = ? 
	 ORDER BY Position, OriginalString
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_TINYINT) = 0

GetRenderOptions (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=0) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\populate-page.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
			SELECT GeneralCategories.Category, RenderOptions.PageID
			  FROM RenderOptions, GeneralCategories
			 WHERE GeneralCategories.ID = RenderOptions.CategoryID
				AND GeneralCategories.CategoryTypeID = ?
				AND (RenderOptions.PageID IN (?,?,?,?)) 
		 ORDER BY RenderOptions.PageID Desc
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 12
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652

getPageInfo (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\metadata\build-struct.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
	SELECT PageType, SubSiteID, CategoryID, InheritedTemplateList, DocType, Uploaded
	  FROM SitePages
	 WHERE ID = ? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

FormData (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=46ms, Records=15) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\metadata\build-struct.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
	SELECT Data_FieldValue.PageID, Data_FieldValue.FieldValue, FormInputControl.FieldName, FormInputControl.type, FormControl.FormName,
			 FormControl.ID AS FormControlID, FormInputControl.ID AS ficID,
			 Data_FieldValue.MemoValue, Data_FieldValue.listid, FormInputControl.params AS fieldParams
	  FROM FormInputControl,FormControl,FormInputControlMap,Data_FieldValue,FormControlMap
	 WHERE (Data_FieldValue.PageID IN (?,?,?,?))  
		AND Data_FieldValue.FieldID = FormInputControl.ID
		AND Data_FieldValue.FormID = FormControl.ID
		AND FormInputControl.ID = FormInputControlMap.FieldID
		AND FormControl.ID = FormInputControlMap.FormID
		AND FormControl.ID = FormControlMap.FormID
		AND (
					(FormControlMap.ClassConstant = 4)
					AND (FormControlMap.ClassID IN (?,?)) 
					OR (
								 (FormControlMap.ClassConstant = 1)
							AND ( (FormControlMap.ClassID IN (?,?,?)) )
					OR (
								 (FormControlMap.ClassConstant = 2)
							AND (FormControlMap.ClassID = ?)

 ORDER BY PageID DESC, FormControl.ID, FormInputControl.ID
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #6(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #7(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #8(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #9(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652
Parameter #10(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 7

NamedClasses (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=0) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\style\load-page-classes.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
	  FROM Data_ClassNames
	 WHERE (PageID IN (?,?,?,?)) 
		AND VersionState = ?
		AND OutputTypeID = 0
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2

StyleSheetGroups (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\set-style-vars.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
		  FROM Data_StyleSheetGroups
		 WHERE (PageID IN (?,?,?,?)) 
			AND VersionState = ?
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2

PageStyleSheets (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\set-style-vars.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
		  FROM Data_StyleSheets
		 WHERE (PageID IN (?,?,?,?)) 
			AND ControlID = ?
			AND VersionState = ?
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 3474
Parameter #6(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2

CheckCustomRender (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=54) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\populate-page.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
		  FROM Data_Custom_Render
		 WHERE (PageID IN (?,?,?,?)) 
			AND VersionState >= ?
			AND ModuleID <> 0
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2

SecurityRecords (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=0) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\populate-page.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
	  FROM ItemSecurity
	 WHERE PageID = ?
		AND ApplyTo = 0 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

ParentTemplateInfo (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\utilities\write-stub.cfm @ 04:18:08.008
		SELECT SubsiteID,Filename,PageType
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652

PagePermissions (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=0) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\components\cache\item-security-cache.cfc @ 04:18:08.008
			  FROM ItemSecurity
			 WHERE PageID = ?
				AND ApplyTo = 0 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

SelectedCustomRenderElements (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=31ms, Records=2119) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\set-page-vars.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
		SELECT dcr.*
		  FROM Data_Custom_Render dcr, CustomElementModules cem
		 WHERE (dcr.PageID IN (?,?,?,?)) 
			AND dcr.VersionState=?
			AND (dcr.ModuleID = cem.ID OR dcr.ModuleID <= 0)
	 ORDER BY dcr.ControlID, dcr.PageID DESC, dcr.VersionID DESC
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2

Request.PageData.PageParams (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\render-page-meat.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
			  FROM Param_Page
			 WHERE (PageID=4240 OR (PageID IN (1652,2,1) AND (VersionState = 2)))
			   AND VersionState=2
qry (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\core.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
					SELECT SubsiteID
					  FROM SitePages
					 WHERE ID = ? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

qry (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=0) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\commands\livebookmarks.cfc @ 04:18:09.009
		SELECT Data_SeeAlso.ID, SubSites.SubSiteURL, SitePages.filename as pagename, as feedname, as feedformat,
					 	WHEN XMLPublicationFormat.IsSyndication = 0 THEN 0
						ELSE 1
				 END AS IsSyndicationFeed
		  FROM Data_SeeAlso, XMLPublications, XMLPublicationFormat, SitePages, SubSites
		 WHERE Data_SeeAlso.PageID = ?
		 	AND Data_SeeAlso.Action = ?
		 	AND Data_SeeAlso.ItemID = XMLPublicationFormat.XMLPublicationFormatID
		 	AND Data_SeeAlso.TargetPageID = XMLPublications.XMLPublicationID
		 	AND XMLPublications.XMLPublicationFormatID = XMLPublicationFormat.XMLPublicationFormatID
		 	AND XMLPublications.PageID = SitePages.ID
		 	AND SitePages.SubSiteID = SubSites.ID
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 11

ControlInstanceData (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=77) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\controls\control-setup.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
		SELECT ControlID, ControlName, ControlType, ParentControlID, ParentControlType, pageID
		  FROM ControlInstance
		 WHERE (PageID IN (?,?,?,?)) 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652

qInfo (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\commands\element.cfc @ 04:18:09.009
		SELECT ac.ShortDesc AS Name, CustomRenderSupport AS SupportsCustomLayouts,
					WHEN ac.ID <?
					 THEN 'Standard'
					WHEN (ac.Name is NULL or ac.Name = '')
					 THEN 'Saved'
					WHEN fcm.ClassID = 1
					 THEN 'Global'
					ELSE 'Local'
				 END AS ElementType,
				 CASE WHEN ac.Name = 'custom' THEN 'custom/ce' ELSE ac.ControlPrefix END AS ElementURLPrefix,
				 CASE WHEN (ac.ID IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?))  THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS HasFontColorProperties,
				 CASE WHEN (ac.ID IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?))  THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS HasLayoutProperties,
				 1 AS HasStyleProperties
		  FROM AvailableControls ac
		  LEFT OUTER JOIN FormControlMap fcm ON fcm.FormID = ac.ID
		 WHERE ac.ID = ? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 400
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 22
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 44
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 55
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #6(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 56
Parameter #7(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 47
Parameter #8(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 26
Parameter #9(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 48
Parameter #10(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 27
Parameter #11(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 28
Parameter #12(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 51
Parameter #13(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 31
Parameter #14(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 33
Parameter #15(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 26
Parameter #16(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 48
Parameter #17(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 37
Parameter #18(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 27
Parameter #19(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 38
Parameter #20(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 28
Parameter #21(cf_sql_integer) = 26

Request.customCFUpfront (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\controls\upfront-generic.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
	  FROM Data_CustomCF
	 WHERE (PageID=4240 OR (PageID IN (1652,2,1) AND (VersionState = 2)))
		AND (VersionState = 2) 
 ORDER BY ControlID, PageID DESC, VersionID DESC 
testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

qry (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\commands\cache.cfc @ 04:18:09.009
		SELECT SubsiteID, InheritedTemplateList
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652

testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2

testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1

qPubSurveys (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=193) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                        SELECT DISTINCT  
                                        FROM Survey S   
                                               INNER JOIN Ctry C ON S.Ctry_ID = C.Ctry_ID
                                               INNER JOIN Rgn R ON R.Rgn_ID = C.Rgn_ID  
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_subType T1 ON T1.Survey_subType_ID = S.Survey_Type_ID
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_Type T ON  T.Survey_Type_ID = T1.Survey_Type_MainID   
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_Stts St ON St.Stts_ID = S.Stts_ID  
                                               INNER JOIN pub_Catalog e ON e.Survey_ID = s.Survey_ID   
                                               St.Stts_ID <> 1
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 4
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 99
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 0 AND
                                               ((e.Pub_Type_ID IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and e.Stts_id=?)     
                                               AND s.survey_id IN
                                                      (select m.survey_id 
                                                       from survey_mod_feat_lnk m 
                                                       WHERE mod_feat_id IN (15,41))
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #6(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 562
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=19 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 74
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 88
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=45 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 94
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 98
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=21 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 109
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 110
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 140
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 145
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=15 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 152
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 155
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 156
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=19 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 157
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 159
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 169
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 176
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=69 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 179
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=81 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 203
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 207
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 208
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 211
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=45 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 213
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 222
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=3) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 228
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 230
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 232
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 233
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 235
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 238
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=243 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 239
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 248
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 249
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 251
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 252
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 253
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 255
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=160 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 256
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 257
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=175 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 258
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=220 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 259
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 260
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=81 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 262
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 264
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=142 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 265
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 266
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=60 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 267
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 268
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 272
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 276
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 277
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=85 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 279
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=76 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 282
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 289
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 295
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 296
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 301
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=100 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 303
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 304
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=139 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 309
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 310
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 311
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=118 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 314
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=160 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 317
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=205 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 318
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 319
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 323
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 324
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=72 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 327
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=41 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 328
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 329
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 330
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 332
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 333
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 334
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 336
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 337
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=1ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 338
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=2ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=117 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 340
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=1ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 345
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 346
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=1 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 349
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=81 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 354
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 355
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 356
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=17 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 357
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=46 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 358
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 359
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 361
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 362
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 363
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 364
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 365
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 367
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 368
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=142 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 369
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=21 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 383
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 385
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 387
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=60 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 388
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=55 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 390
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 391
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 392
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 393
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=5 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 394
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=76 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 395
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 396
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 397
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 398
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 399
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=66 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 402
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 403
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 405
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 407
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 420
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=243 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 421
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 423
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 425
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 426
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 432
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 433
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 434
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 437
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=15 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 440
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 446
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 447
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 448
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 450
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=64 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 454
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 455
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 456
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 457
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=160 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 462
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=18ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 463
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 464
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 466
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 467
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 468
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=205 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 470
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=14ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 472
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 473
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 474
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 475
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=76 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 477
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 478
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 481
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 483
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 484
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 485
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 487
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 489
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 491
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=81 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 492
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 493
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=168 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 494
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 495
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=41 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 497
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 500
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 503
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 504
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 505
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 507
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 509
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 511
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 512
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=117 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 514
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 515
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 516
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 517
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=157 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 520
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=225 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 521
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 524
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=72 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 525
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 526
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=1ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 527
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 528
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 534
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=1 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 536
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 537
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 539
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 541
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 542
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 545
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 549
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 553
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 554
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 555
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 557
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 560
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 571
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 574
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 576
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 579
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 587
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

qFinalCount1 (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                        SELECT DISTINCT count(c.Pub_ID) As final_report_count1
                                        FROM Pub_Catalog c
                                        INNER JOIN Pub_Type t ON t.Pub_Type_ID = c.Pub_Type_ID
                                        INNER JOIN Pub_Type_Prnt t2 ON t.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID = t2.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID
                                        LEFT OUTER JOIN Survey s ON s.Survey_ID = c.Survey_ID    
                                        WHERE c.Pub_Code <> 'NA'
                                        AND c.Stts_ID = 3        AND pub_id IN (2308,114,129,126,141,133,135,342,326,275,335,297,279,370,346,334,348,344,523,411,366,457,666,720,466,543,583,463,485,808,596,582,575,594,566,559,563,624,608,769,678,634,723,625,681,597,669,586,759,660,796,743,733,860,1007,955,873,884,1065,1103,1316,1394,1034,1020,974,936,978,997,1525,1208,941,1032,1094,1006,1013,1217,942,1040,1054,1191,1223,1145,1806,1126,1322,1557,1134,1188,1270,1505,1122,1141,1131,1289,1284,1382,1076,1050,1332,1945,1375,1117,1247,1198,1111,1180,1546,1301,1207,1288,1362,1437,1366,1389,1476,1325,1545,1061,1245,1179,1273,1585,1720,1311,996,1424,1466,1736,1418,1360,1580,1650,1837,1592,1751,1825,1639,1555,1808,1533,1690,1699,1755,1775,1589,1729,1600,1704,1680,1689,1964,1784,1634,1954,1554,1876,1961,1890,1830,1721,1949,1814,2100,1846,1843,1797,1768,2036,1927,1938,1790,1944,1997,2009,2050,1919,2170,2176,2046,2228,2062,2167,2083,2238,2209,2183,2116,2263,2229,2293,2298,2220,2234)
qPubSurveys (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=135) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                        SELECT DISTINCT  
                                        FROM Survey S   
                                               INNER JOIN Ctry C ON S.Ctry_ID = C.Ctry_ID
                                               INNER JOIN Rgn R ON R.Rgn_ID = C.Rgn_ID  
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_subType T1 ON T1.Survey_subType_ID = S.Survey_Type_ID
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_Type T ON  T.Survey_Type_ID = T1.Survey_Type_MainID   
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_Stts St ON St.Stts_ID = S.Stts_ID  
                                               INNER JOIN pub_Catalog e ON e.Survey_ID = s.Survey_ID   
                                               St.Stts_ID <> 1
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 4
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 99
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 0 AND
                                               ((e.Pub_Type_ID IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and e.Stts_id=?)     
                                               AND s.survey_id IN
                                                      (select m.survey_id 
                                                       from survey_mod_feat_lnk m 
                                                       WHERE mod_feat_id IN (6))
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #6(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 30
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 71
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=1ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 72
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=54 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 112
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=55 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 113
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 133
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 140
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 141
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 142
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 155
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 156
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 176
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=69 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 179
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=34 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 183
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 206
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 210
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=1ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 216
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 222
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=3) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 228
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 231
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 232
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 238
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=243 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 239
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=55 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 242
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 251
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 252
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 255
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 257
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=175 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 258
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 260
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 264
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=142 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 265
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 266
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 271
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 272
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 276
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=1ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 278
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=85 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 279
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=230 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 280
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=1 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 287
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 291
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 295
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=34 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 298
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 300
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 301
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 302
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=100 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 303
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 311
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=118 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 314
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=205 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 318
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 319
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=41 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 328
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 329
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 331
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 333
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 334
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 337
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=117 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 340
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 345
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 355
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 356
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=46 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 358
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 362
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 363
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 364
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 367
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 368
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=142 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 369
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 381
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=21 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 383
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=225 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 384
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=55 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 390
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 397
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 399
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=66 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 402
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 403
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 405
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 406
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=31 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 419
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=243 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 421
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 425
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 426
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 433
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 434
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=34 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 436
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 438
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 439
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=15 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 440
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=53 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 443
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 447
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 450
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 451
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=64 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 454
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 455
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 463
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 464
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=59 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 465
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 467
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 468
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=17ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 472
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 475
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 476
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=76 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 477
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 478
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 483
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 485
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 490
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 491
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=81 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 492
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=168 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 494
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 495
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=191 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 499
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 500
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 503
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 504
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=34 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 510
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 511
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=117 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 514
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 517
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=225 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 521
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=31 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 523
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=72 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 525
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 528
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 537
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 539
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 541
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 542
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 545
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 553
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 554
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 555
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 560
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 562
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 580
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 581
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

qFinalCount1 (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                        SELECT DISTINCT count(c.Pub_ID) As final_report_count1
                                        FROM Pub_Catalog c
                                        INNER JOIN Pub_Type t ON t.Pub_Type_ID = c.Pub_Type_ID
                                        INNER JOIN Pub_Type_Prnt t2 ON t.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID = t2.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID
                                        LEFT OUTER JOIN Survey s ON s.Survey_ID = c.Survey_ID    
                                        WHERE c.Pub_Code <> 'NA'
                                        AND c.Stts_ID = 3        AND pub_id IN (304,113,106,64,360,117,342,282,630,335,297,334,348,153,403,437,462,666,720,633,543,485,808,799,575,594,559,624,608,678,723,625,681,791,586,759,894,796,853,890,772,860,982,1008,955,970,873,1316,1394,1020,974,1525,1208,804,1094,1006,1217,1040,1054,1806,1126,1557,1270,1505,1122,1131,1289,1284,1049,1382,1346,1945,1546,1207,1288,1362,1437,1535,1370,1476,1545,1061,1179,1273,1449,1425,1491,1720,1421,996,1466,1611,1736,1418,1837,1592,1657,1825,1639,1808,1699,1743,1755,1775,1729,1704,1514,1964,1784,1954,1554,2057,1961,1890,1830,1923,2100,1843,2036,1938,1950,1944,2050,2176,2046,2228,2062,2167,2238,2209,2183,2263,2308,2103,2156)
qPubSurveys (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=84) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                        SELECT DISTINCT  
                                        FROM Survey S   
                                               INNER JOIN Ctry C ON S.Ctry_ID = C.Ctry_ID
                                               INNER JOIN Rgn R ON R.Rgn_ID = C.Rgn_ID  
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_subType T1 ON T1.Survey_subType_ID = S.Survey_Type_ID
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_Type T ON  T.Survey_Type_ID = T1.Survey_Type_MainID   
                                               INNER JOIN Survey_Stts St ON St.Stts_ID = S.Stts_ID  
                                               INNER JOIN pub_Catalog e ON e.Survey_ID = s.Survey_ID   
                                               St.Stts_ID <> 1
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 4
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 99
                                               AND St.Stts_ID <> 0 AND
                                               ((e.Pub_Type_ID IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and e.Stts_id=?)     
                                               AND s.survey_id IN
                                                      (select m.survey_id 
                                                       from survey_mod_feat_lnk m 
                                                       WHERE mod_feat_id IN (4))
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #6(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=38 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 29
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=46 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 36
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=5 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 66
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 71
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=12 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 73
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 77
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 82
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 84
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 99
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=46 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 103
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 106
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 115
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 116
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 145
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 147
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 154
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 159
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 160
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 164
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=12 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 170
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 211
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=59 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 215
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 216
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 223
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 230
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 231
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 232
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 233
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 234
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 235
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 240
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 248
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 249
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 253
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=220 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 259
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 266
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 272
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 276
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 277
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 283
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 289
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 294
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 300
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 302
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 311
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 324
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=41 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 328
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 329
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 345
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=46 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 358
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 365
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 391
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 397
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 398
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 399
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 405
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 407
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 420
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 423
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 425
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 438
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 450
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 451
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 457
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 463
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=59 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 465
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 478
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 480
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 485
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 489
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=168 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 494
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 504
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 517
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 524
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 528
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 534
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 537
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 539
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 545
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 553
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 555
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 562
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 580
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 581
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

qFinalCount1 (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                        SELECT DISTINCT count(c.Pub_ID) As final_report_count1
                                        FROM Pub_Catalog c
                                        INNER JOIN Pub_Type t ON t.Pub_Type_ID = c.Pub_Type_ID
                                        INNER JOIN Pub_Type_Prnt t2 ON t.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID = t2.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID
                                        LEFT OUTER JOIN Survey s ON s.Survey_ID = c.Survey_ID    
                                        WHERE c.Pub_Code <> 'NA'
                                        AND c.Stts_ID = 3        AND pub_id IN (321,93,108,113,122,116,125,127,140,136,347,66,278,326,327,277,370,345,295,405,366,557,462,454,466,633,543,583,496,463,458,596,582,566,769,681,586,759,660,872,733,926,1008,970,1316,978,1525,1208,1054,1557,1141,1375,1546,1301,1207,1437,1366,1389,1325,1545,1425,1466,1611,1580,1837,1657,1775,1604,1704,1689,1954,1830,2036,1790,2050,1919,2176,2046,2167,2238,2183,2308,2103,2156)
qPubSurveys (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=166) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                    SELECT DISTINCT  
                                        FROM Survey S   
                                           INNER JOIN Ctry C ON S.Ctry_ID = C.Ctry_ID
                                           INNER JOIN Rgn R ON R.Rgn_ID = C.Rgn_ID  
                                           INNER JOIN Survey_subType T1 ON T1.Survey_subType_ID = S.Survey_Type_ID
                                           INNER JOIN Survey_Type T ON  T.Survey_Type_ID = T1.Survey_Type_MainID   
                                           INNER JOIN Survey_Stts St ON St.Stts_ID = S.Stts_ID  
                                           INNER JOIN pub_Catalog e ON e.Survey_ID = s.Survey_ID   
                                           St.Stts_ID <> 1
                                           AND St.Stts_ID <> 4
                                           AND St.Stts_ID <> 99
                                           AND St.Stts_ID <> 0 AND
                                           ((e.Pub_Type_ID IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and e.Stts_id=?)     
                                           AND s.survey_id IN
                                                  (select m.survey_id 
                                                   from survey_mod_feat_lnk m 
                                                   WHERE mod_feat_id IN (57,8))
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #6(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 562
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 84
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 115
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 141
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 147
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 154
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 158
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 159
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 160
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 165
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 167
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 169
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=12 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 170
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 173
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 174
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 185
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 205
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 206
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 207
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 211
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 216
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 222
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 223
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=3) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 228
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 229
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 230
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 231
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 232
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 233
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 235
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=243 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 239
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=55 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 242
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=139 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 243
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=139 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 245
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 248
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 249
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 251
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 252
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 253
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 257
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=220 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 259
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 260
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=56 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 261
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 263
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 264
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 266
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=60 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 267
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 268
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 269
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 271
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=31 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 273
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 276
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 277
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 278
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=76 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 282
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 283
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 284
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 289
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 292
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 293
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 296
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=17 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 297
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 300
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 301
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 302
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 304
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=139 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 309
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 311
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=118 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 314
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=205 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 318
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 323
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 324
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=41 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 328
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 329
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 330
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 332
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 333
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 334
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 337
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 338
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=117 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 340
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 345
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 346
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=157 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 351
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 355
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 356
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 361
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 362
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 363
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 364
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 365
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 367
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 368
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 381
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 385
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 387
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=60 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 388
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 391
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 392
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 393
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=76 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 395
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 396
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 398
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 399
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=66 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 402
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 403
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 405
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 406
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 407
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=31 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 419
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 420
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=243 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 421
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 423
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 425
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 426
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 432
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 433
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 435
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 437
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 438
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=53 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 443
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 446
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 448
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 449
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 450
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 451
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=64 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 454
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 456
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 457
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 463
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=59 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 465
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 468
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 472
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 473
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 474
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 475
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=76 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 477
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 481
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 483
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 484
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 485
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 489
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 493
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=191 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 499
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 504
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 505
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 509
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=117 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 514
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 515
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 516
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 524
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 534
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 537
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 541
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 542
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 549
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 553
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 554
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 555
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 557
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 560
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 571
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 574
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 576
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 579
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 587
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

qFinalCount1 (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                    SELECT DISTINCT count(c.Pub_ID) As final_report_count1
                                    FROM Pub_Catalog c
                                    INNER JOIN Pub_Type t ON t.Pub_Type_ID = c.Pub_Type_ID
                                    INNER JOIN Pub_Type_Prnt t2 ON t.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID = t2.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID
                                    LEFT OUTER JOIN Survey s ON s.Survey_ID = c.Survey_ID    
                                    WHERE c.Pub_Code <> 'NA'
                                    AND c.Stts_ID = 3        AND pub_id IN (2308,127,66,282,327,277,337,370,345,343,280,346,405,401,486,444,440,403,523,366,462,666,454,720,461,466,633,543,583,463,808,799,593,591,596,582,575,594,566,624,769,678,581,611,723,681,597,669,725,791,783,759,660,894,743,872,842,733,823,680,1007,897,1008,955,970,884,1065,1316,1394,1020,936,978,1525,1208,941,1032,1094,1006,1217,942,1040,1054,1191,1299,1806,1126,1188,1270,1505,1122,1141,1131,1289,1049,1076,1050,1332,1375,1117,1247,1111,1180,1301,1207,1288,1362,1437,1535,1366,1370,1389,1476,1325,1545,1061,1245,1179,1454,1585,1425,1421,1311,1424,1417,1466,1611,1736,1360,1580,1837,1657,1639,1808,1533,1690,1699,1755,1589,1729,1600,1704,1689,1634,2057,1830,1721,1814,1843,1797,1768,1790,1919,2176,2228,2062,2083,2238,2209,2183,2116,2263,2229,2293,2298,2220,2234)
qPubSurveys (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=177) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                    SELECT DISTINCT  
                                        FROM Survey S   
                                           INNER JOIN Ctry C ON S.Ctry_ID = C.Ctry_ID
                                           INNER JOIN Rgn R ON R.Rgn_ID = C.Rgn_ID  
                                           INNER JOIN Survey_subType T1 ON T1.Survey_subType_ID = S.Survey_Type_ID
                                           INNER JOIN Survey_Type T ON  T.Survey_Type_ID = T1.Survey_Type_MainID   
                                           INNER JOIN Survey_Stts St ON St.Stts_ID = S.Stts_ID  
                                           INNER JOIN pub_Catalog e ON e.Survey_ID = s.Survey_ID   
                                           St.Stts_ID <> 1
                                           AND St.Stts_ID <> 4
                                           AND St.Stts_ID <> 99
                                           AND St.Stts_ID <> 0 AND
                                           ((e.Pub_Type_ID IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and e.Stts_id=?)     
                                           AND s.survey_id IN
                                                  (select m.survey_id 
                                                   from survey_mod_feat_lnk m 
                                                   WHERE mod_feat_id IN (1))
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #6(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 562
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=10 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 24
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 28
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=38 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 29
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 44
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 46
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=27 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 47
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 48
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 49
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 50
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 52
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 53
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 58
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=34 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 61
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 62
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=17 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 63
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 64
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 65
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=5 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 66
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=15 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 70
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=12 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 73
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 76
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 77
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 82
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=59 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 83
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=49 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 85
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 86
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 87
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 88
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 90
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 92
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=17 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 95
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=18 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 96
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 101
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=46 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 103
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 105
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 110
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=34 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 111
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=55 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 113
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=41 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 114
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 115
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 116
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=1 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 137
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 140
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 147
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=66 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 148
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 154
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 155
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=57 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 156
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 158
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 159
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 160
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 164
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 165
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 169
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 171
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=17 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 172
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 174
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 176
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 184
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 205
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 206
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 207
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 210
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=27 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 214
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=59 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 215
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 216
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 222
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=3) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 228
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 230
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 231
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 232
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 233
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 238
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=243 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 239
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=55 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 242
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 248
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 249
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 251
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=2) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 252
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 253
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=160 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 256
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 257
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=220 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 259
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 260
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 266
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=60 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 267
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 268
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 271
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=31 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 273
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 276
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 277
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 278
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 284
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 289
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=8 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 291
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=23 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 296
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=17 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 297
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 300
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 302
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 310
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=7 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 311
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=118 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 314
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=160 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 317
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=205 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 318
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=2 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 319
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 324
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 325
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=41 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 328
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=50 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 329
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 333
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 334
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 337
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=117 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 340
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 345
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 346
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=157 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 351
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=17 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 357
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=46 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 358
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 359
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=61 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 362
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=28 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 363
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 364
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 365
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 367
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=60 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 388
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=55 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 390
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=67 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 391
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 399
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=66 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 402
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 405
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 406
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=29 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 407
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=243 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 421
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 425
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 426
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 433
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 434
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 435
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 438
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=15 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 440
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=53 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 443
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 447
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 450
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=20 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 451
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=64 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 454
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=33 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 455
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=160 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 462
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=51 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 463
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=63 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 464
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=59 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 465
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 468
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=205 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 470
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=13 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 472
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=48 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 475
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=6 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 476
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=76 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 477
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=65 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 478
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=24 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 483
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=39 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 485
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=52 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 491
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=191 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 499
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=16 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 503
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=44 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 504
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=14 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 506
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=4 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 511
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=117 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 514
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=25 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 517
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=30 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 528
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=36 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 534
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=22 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 537
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=47 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 542
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=208 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 545
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=31 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 552
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=68 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 553
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=35 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 554
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

getSPubIDs (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                            select p.survey_id,pub_id from pub_catalog p,Survey s,Ctry c
                                            where p.survey_id=s.survey_id and 
                                            s.ctry_id=c.ctry_id and
                                            c.Ctry_id=129 and p.Survey_id=?
                                            and (pub_type_id IN (?,?,?,?,?)) and p.stts_id=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 555
Parameter #2(cf_sql_varchar) = 5
Parameter #3(cf_sql_varchar) = 26
Parameter #4(cf_sql_varchar) = 21
Parameter #5(cf_sql_varchar) = 30
Parameter #6(cf_sql_varchar) = 39
Parameter #7(cf_sql_integer) = 3

qFinalCount1 (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=15ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
                                    SELECT DISTINCT count(c.Pub_ID) As final_report_count1
                                    FROM Pub_Catalog c
                                    INNER JOIN Pub_Type t ON t.Pub_Type_ID = c.Pub_Type_ID
                                    INNER JOIN Pub_Type_Prnt t2 ON t.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID = t2.Pub_Type_Prnt_ID
                                    LEFT OUTER JOIN Survey s ON s.Survey_ID = c.Survey_ID    
                                    WHERE c.Pub_Code <> 'NA'
                                    AND c.Stts_ID = 3        AND pub_id IN (2308,307,62,321,79,96,87,84,91,609,89,86,325,97,107,104,103,99,108,112,122,110,116,125,132,119,120,123,129,128,124,137,138,139,136,134,135,67,360,65,66,278,456,342,327,336,277,335,297,337,370,345,295,343,346,525,439,486,334,296,440,403,523,437,524,557,462,666,720,466,633,543,583,485,808,799,596,582,575,594,566,563,624,769,678,681,597,669,791,783,759,660,894,842,733,772,1007,897,1008,970,1103,1316,1394,1034,1020,974,978,902,1525,1208,1094,1006,1217,1040,1054,1191,1299,1322,1557,1134,1270,1505,1122,1141,1131,1332,1945,1375,1207,1288,1437,1535,1366,1476,1545,1061,1179,1273,1454,1425,1720,1421,996,1466,1611,1736,1418,1650,1837,1592,1657,1639,1555,1808,1699,1743,1755,1775,1729,1704,1964,2057,1890,1830,1896,2100,1843,2036,2050,1919,2176,2062,2167,2163,2238,2209,2183)
testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

qry (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\commands\cache.cfc @ 04:18:10.010
		SELECT SubsiteID, InheritedTemplateList
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240

testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1652

testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2

testQuery (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\udf\validation\generated-validators.cfm @ 04:18:10.010
		  FROM SitePages
		 WHERE ID = ?
			AND (PageType IN (0,1,2) AND Uploaded=0)
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1

CacheUpdate (Datasource=commonspot-site-dhs, Time=0ms, Records=1) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\commonspot\components\cache\cache-status.cfc @ 04:18:10.010
					UPDATE ElementInstance
						SET CacheFormat=?,
					 WHERE ServerID=?
						AND SubsiteID=?
						AND PageID=?
						AND ControlID=?
						AND CacheLevel=?
						AND IsWIP=? 
Query Parameter Value(s) -
Parameter #1(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #2(CF_SQL_VARCHAR) = 2124-10-13 04:18:08
Parameter #3(CF_SQL_VARCHAR) = 2124-10-13 04:18:08
Parameter #4(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #5(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #6(CF_SQL_VARCHAR) =
Parameter #7(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #8(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #9(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #10(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #11(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #12(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #13(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #14(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #15(CF_SQL_VARCHAR) =
Parameter #16(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 1
Parameter #17(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #18(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 4240
Parameter #19(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0
Parameter #20(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 2
Parameter #21(CF_SQL_INTEGER) = 0

Stored Procedures

pub_topics_tables (Datasource=dhs_legacy_live, Time=16ms) in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dhs\publications\customcf\publications-topic-facet.cfm @ 04:18:09.009

 qPubTopics  1
 qFinalCount  2
 qTopucCount  3

Scope Variables

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Debug Rendering Time: 47 ms