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Document Type
Further Analysis
Publication Topic(s)
Family Planning
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Fathonah, Siti. 2000. Patterns of Contraceptive Use in Indonesia. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 30. Calverton, Maryland, USA: Macro International
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Publication Date
March 2000
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The study of contraceptive use dynamics typically encompasses the following topics: prevalence structure of the population, contraceptive discontinuation, contraceptive switching behavior, and contraceptive failure. Contraception discontinuation, switching, and failure become increasingly important phenomena as populations reach relatively high levels of contraceptive use, as is the face for Indonesia. The focus then moves from encouraging couples to adopt contraception to encouraging them to maintain use, to providing them with a range of options to suit their changing contraceptive needs. Informed policy decisions need to take into account the prevailing reasons for contraceptive discontinuation. Relatively few analyses on contraceptive use dynamics exist for developing countries. However, as more and more countries reach high prevalence levels, such analyses are becoming increasingly important for family planning policymakers. One reason for the lack of such studies is that the required data are not often available. The calendar section of the DHS core questionnaire is specifically designed to meet this data need. However, the calendar data place greater demands on the analyst since the techniques needed to make full use of these data are unfamiliar to many researchers. The principal aim of this report is to provide a more complete picture of Indonesia's contraceptive use dynamics than what was offered in the first country report, and to provided an assessment of changes in certain key indicators since the last IDHS survey in 1994. The report builds upon an earlier study of contraception undertaken using the 1994 IDHS.


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