Publications Summary

Document Type
Analytical Studies
Publication Topic(s)
Family Planning
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MacQuarrie, Kerry L.D., Jeffrey Edmeades, Mara Steinhaus, and Sara K. Head. 2015. Men and Contraception: Trends in Attitudes and Use. DHS Analytical Studies No. 49. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ICF International.
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Publication Date
September 2015
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Using DHS data from 58 men’s surveys in 18 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, this analytical study describes current patterns and trends over time in multiple themes around men and contraception. Specifically, the study presents findings related to men’s contraceptive knowledge; fertility and fertility preferences; desired sex composition of children; attitudes toward contraception; gender attitudes; and use of contraception at last sex. In addition to analyzing the type of contraception used—modern or traditional—and the method mix, this study explores another aspect of men’s contraceptive behavior: use of male-controlled or cooperative methods (male condom, male sterilization, periodic abstinence, and withdrawal) versus female-controlled methods (the pill, IUD, injectables, implants, and female sterilization). Along with current patterns and trends, this study analyzes knowledge, attitudes, and behavior by relationship factors, life course factors, and socioeconomic characteristics.


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