Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Duration of stay in health facility < 6 hours
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed < 6 hours in the health facility after delivery
Denominator: Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility
Group: Duration of stay in health facility
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_DURH_W_H05
Indicator description
Indicator: Duration of stay in health facility 6-11 hours
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 6-11 hours in the health facility after delivery
Denominator: Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility
Group: Duration of stay in health facility
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_DURH_W_H06
Indicator description
Indicator: Duration of stay in health facility 12-23 hours
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 12-23 hours in the health facility after delivery
Denominator: Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility
Group: Duration of stay in health facility
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_DURH_W_H12
Indicator description
Indicator: Duration of stay in health facility 1-2 days
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 1-2 days in the health facility after delivery
Denominator: Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility
Group: Duration of stay in health facility
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_DURH_W_D12
Indicator description
Indicator: Duration of stay in health facility 3+ days
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 3+ days in the health facility after delivery
Denominator: Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility
Group: Duration of stay in health facility
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_DURH_W_D3P
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Duration of stay in health facility < 6 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed < 6 hours in the health facility after delivery Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility (W)
Duration of stay in health facility 6-11 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 6-11 hours in the health facility after delivery Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility (W)
Duration of stay in health facility 12-23 hours Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 12-23 hours in the health facility after delivery Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility (W)
Duration of stay in health facility 1-2 days Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 1-2 days in the health facility after delivery Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility (W)
Duration of stay in health facility 3+ days Percentage of women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility and stayed 3+ days in the health facility after delivery Women with a live birth in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey who delivered their most recent live birth in a health facility (W)