Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: General fertility rate
Measure: Rate
Definition: General fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey per 1,000 women age 15-49
Denominator: Per thousand population
Group: Maternal mortality ratio
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 0
Indicator ID: MM_MMRO_W_GFR
Indicator description
Indicator: Pregnancy-related mortality ratio
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Pregnancy-related mortality ratio for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 100,000 live births, calculated as the age-adjusted pregnancy-related mortality rate times 100 divided by the age-adjusted general fertility rate. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence
Denominator: Per hundred thousand live births
Group: Maternal mortality ratio
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 0
Indicator ID: MM_MMRO_W_PMR
Indicator description
Indicator: Lifetime risk of pregnancy-related death
Measure: Rate
Definition: Lifetime risk of pregnancy-related death calculated as 1-(1-PRMR)^TFR where TFR is the total fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence
Denominator: Per woman
Group: Maternal mortality ratio
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 3
Indicator ID: MM_MMRO_W_LTP
Indicator description
Indicator: Maternal mortality ratio
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Maternal mortality ratio for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 100,000 live births, calculated as the age-adjusted maternal mortality rate times 100 divided by the age-adjusted general fertility rate. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
Denominator: Per hundred thousand live births
Group: Maternal mortality ratio
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 0
Indicator ID: MM_MMRO_W_MMR
Indicator description
Indicator: Lifetime risk of maternal death
Measure: Rate
Definition: Lifetime risk of maternal death calculated as 1-(1-MMR)^TFR where TFR is the total fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence.
Denominator: Per woman
Group: Maternal mortality ratio
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 3
Indicator ID: MM_MMRO_W_LTR
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
General fertility rate General fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey per 1,000 women age 15-49 Per thousand population (W)
Pregnancy-related mortality ratio Pregnancy-related mortality ratio for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 100,000 live births, calculated as the age-adjusted pregnancy-related mortality rate times 100 divided by the age-adjusted general fertility rate. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence Per hundred thousand live births (W)
Lifetime risk of pregnancy-related death Lifetime risk of pregnancy-related death calculated as 1-(1-PRMR)^TFR where TFR is the total fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey. Pregnancy-related deaths are deaths during pregnancy, delivery and in the two months following delivery, including deaths due to accidents or violence Per woman (W)
Maternal mortality ratio Maternal mortality ratio for the seven years preceding the survey expressed per 100,000 live births, calculated as the age-adjusted maternal mortality rate times 100 divided by the age-adjusted general fertility rate. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence. Per hundred thousand live births (W)
Lifetime risk of maternal death Lifetime risk of maternal death calculated as 1-(1-MMR)^TFR where TFR is the total fertility rate for the seven years preceding the survey. Maternal deaths are deaths to adult females during pregnancy, delivery or in the 42 days following delivery, excluding those due to accidents or violence. Per woman (W)