Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS among young women age 15-24
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women age 15-24 years old who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV.
Denominator: Women age 15-24
Group: Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: HA_CKNY_W_CKA
Indicator description
Indicator: Knowledge of a formal source of condoms among young women.
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of young women age 15-24 who know of at least one formal source of condoms.
Denominator: Women age 15-24
Group: Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: HA_CKNY_W_KCN
Indicator description
Indicator: Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS among young men age 15-24
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of men age 15-24 years old who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV.
Denominator: Men age 15-24
Group: Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people
Universe: Men
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: HA_CKNY_M_CKA
Indicator description
Indicator: Knowledge of a formal source of condoms among young men.
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of young men age 15-24 who know of at least one formal source of condoms.
Denominator: Men age 15-24
Group: Comprehensive knowledge about AIDS and of a source of condoms among young people
Universe: Men
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: HA_CKNY_M_KCN
DHS Quickstats Indicators
Filter: women    men   
  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS among young women age 15-24 Percentage of women age 15-24 years old who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV. Women age 15-24 (W)
Knowledge of a formal source of condoms among young women. Percentage of young women age 15-24 who know of at least one formal source of condoms. Women age 15-24 (W)
Comprehensive correct knowledge about AIDS among young men age 15-24 Percentage of men age 15-24 years old who correctly identify the two major ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner), who reject the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission, and who know that a healthy-looking person can have HIV. Men age 15-24 (M)
Knowledge of a formal source of condoms among young men. Percentage of young men age 15-24 who know of at least one formal source of condoms. Men age 15-24 (M)