Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Timing of first antenatal check: No antenatal care
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey receiving no antenatal care
Denominator: Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
Group: Timing of antenatal care visits
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_ANCT_W_NON
Indicator description
Indicator: Timing of first antenatal check: Less than 4 months
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at less than 4 months
Denominator: Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
Group: Timing of antenatal care visits
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_ANCT_W_TL4
Indicator description
Indicator: Timing of first antenatal check: 4-5 months
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 4-5 months
Denominator: Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
Group: Timing of antenatal care visits
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_ANCT_W_T45
Indicator description
Indicator: Timing of first antenatal check: 6-7 months
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 6-7 months
Denominator: Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
Group: Timing of antenatal care visits
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_ANCT_W_T67
Indicator description
Indicator: Timing of first antenatal check: 8+ months
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 8+ months
Denominator: Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
Group: Timing of antenatal care visits
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_ANCT_W_T8P
Indicator description
Indicator: Median months of pregnancy at first antenatal care visit
Measure: Median
Definition: Median number of months of pregnancy at time of the first visit antenatal care visit of those withh at least one antenatal care visit for Live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey
Denominator: Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey and received ANC
Group: Timing of antenatal care visits
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: RH_ANCT_W_MED
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Timing of first antenatal check: No antenatal care Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey receiving no antenatal care Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (W)
Timing of first antenatal check: Less than 4 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at less than 4 months Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (W)
Timing of first antenatal check: 4-5 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 4-5 months Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (W)
Timing of first antenatal check: 6-7 months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 6-7 months Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (W)
Timing of first antenatal check: 8+ months Percentage of women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey whose first antenatal care visit was at 8+ months Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey (W)
Median months of pregnancy at first antenatal care visit Median number of months of pregnancy at time of the first visit antenatal care visit of those withh at least one antenatal care visit for Live births (or stillbirths) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey Women who had a live birth (or stillbirth) in the two (or three/five) years preceding the survey and received ANC (W)