Survey Summary

Bangladesh: Standard DHS, 1993-94
DHS Final Reports
Summary Reports/Key Findings
Survey Datasets
Data Available
HIV Testing
Not Collected
GPS Datasets
Not Collected
SPA Datasets
Not Applicable
Country: Bangladesh
Contract Phase: DHS-III
Recode Structure: DHS-III
Implementing Organization: Mitra & Associates/ NIPORT
Fieldwork: November 1993 - March 1994
Status: Completed
Households: Sample Size: 9174
Female: Ever Married Women
Age: 10 to 49
Sample Size: 9640
Male: Husbands
Age: N/A
Sample Size: 3284
Facilities: Sample Size: 301
Survey Characteristics
  • Abortion ‹Questions asking women about pregnancies that ended in an abortion. Includes pregnancy histories where abortion is mentioned as an outcome or when a question such as "Did you or someone else do something to end this pregnancy?" is used.
  • Calendar ‹The DHS calendar is a month by month history of certain key reproductive and contraceptive key events in the life of the woman respondent for the 5 years preceding the interview.
  • Child labor ‹A set of questions asking the household respondent about work done in the last week by 1 randomly selected household member age 5-17 years. These questions are from a MICS module developed by United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).
  • Husband's survey ‹Surveys that used a separate questionnaire for husband's of women respondents (rather than a men's questionnaire).
  • Men's survey ‹Surveys that include men in addition to women as individual respondents.
  • Micronutrients ‹Questions asking which foods and drinks were consumed by children in the 24 hours prior to the survey.
  • Paper survey ‹Interviews conducted with paper questionnaires which are later entered into a computer at a central office.
  • Service availability ‹A survey of communities and the services available in those communities, mostly used in earlier surveys up until about 2006. Not part of the household or individual questionnaires.
  • Social marketing ‹Questions asking individuals about the brands of condoms and pills used by respondents to identify the social marketing brands used in the country. Condom brands can be asked of women and/or men.
  • Vitamin A questions ‹Questions on whether a child received a vitamin A dose recently, or whether the mother received a dose after a delivery. These are included as part of the core questionnaire.
  • Women's status ‹Questions asking individuals about decision-making, ownership of house/land, use of banks, and other related questions. Can be asked of women and/or men. These are included as part of the core questionnaire.

Data collected for women 10-49, indicators calculated for women 15-49. A total of 304 primary sampling units were selected, but fieldwork in 3 sample points was not possible.