Survey Summary

Pakistan: Standard DHS, 2017-18
Survey Datasets
Data Available
HIV Testing
Not Collected
GPS Datasets
Data Available
SPA Datasets
Not Applicable
Country: Pakistan
Contract Phase: DHS-VII
Recode Structure: DHS-VII
Implementing Organization: The National Institute of Population Studies (NIPS)
Fieldwork: November 2017 - April 2018
Status: Completed
Households: Sample Size: 14540
Female: Ever Married Women
Age: 15 to 49
Sample Size: 15068
Male: Ever Married Men
Age: 15 to 49
Sample Size: 3691
Facilities: N/A
Survey Characteristics
  • Abortion ‹Questions asking women about pregnancies that ended in an abortion. Includes pregnancy histories where abortion is mentioned as an outcome or when a question such as "Did you or someone else do something to end this pregnancy?" is used.
  • Anthropometry
  • Birth registration ‹A question on birth registration asked about each household member under the age of 5 years.
  • CAFÉ survey ‹Computer Assisted Field Editing. Interviews conducted on paper and entered into a laptop or tablet in the field for verification.
  • Cooking fuel ‹A question asking the household respondent about the type of cooking fuel used by the household. These are included as part of the core questionnaire.
  • Disability ‹A set of questions asking about physical disabilities of each household member age 5 and older.
  • Domestic violence ‹A set of questions on lifetime experience of domestic violence. Typically asked of women only but in some surveys asked of men.
  • Fieldworker characteristics ‹A set of questions asking about the characteristics of all fieldworkers and included in a separate dataset. These data can be merged with survey responses to explore interviewer effects.
  • GPS/georeferenced ‹Surveys with latitude and longitude coordinates for survey clusters. Note that cluster coordinates are randomly displaced to protect the privacy of respondents.
  • Men's survey ‹Surveys that include men in addition to women as individual respondents.
  • Migration ‹Questions asking individuals about their prior residences if they have moved since birth. Can be asked of women and/or men.
  • Paper survey ‹Interviews conducted with paper questionnaires which are later entered into a computer at a central office.
  • Pregnancy history ‹A full enumeration of all pregnancies to women interviewed as opposed to a birth history which only includes live births.
  • Service availability ‹A survey of communities and the services available in those communities, mostly used in earlier surveys up until about 2006. Not part of the household or individual questionnaires.
  • Tobacco use ‹Questions asking individuals about the consumption of smoked and smokeless tobacco products. Can be asked of women and/or men.

National figures and background characteristics of the 2017-18 PDHS excludes Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan regions. As the 2012-13 PDHS included Gilgit Baltistan, trend analysis should be done with caution.