Survey Summary

Cameroon: Standard DHS, 1991
DHS Final Reports
Summary Reports/Key Findings
Survey Datasets
Data Available
HIV Testing
Not Collected
GPS Datasets
Data Available
SPA Datasets
Not Applicable
Country: Cameroon
Contract Phase: DHS-II
Recode Structure: DHS-II
Implementing Organization: Ministère du Plan et de l’Aménagement du Territoire
Fieldwork: April 1991 - September 1991
Status: Completed
Households: Sample Size: 3538
Female: All Women
Age: 15 to 49
Sample Size: 3871
Male: Husbands
Age: N/A
Sample Size: 814
Facilities: Sample Size: 149
Survey Characteristics
  • Anthropometry
  • Causes of death ‹Questions asking about cause of death but not a full verbal autopsy. See also the verbal autopsy module and the accident and injury module.
  • GPS/georeferenced ‹Surveys with latitude and longitude coordinates for survey clusters. Note that cluster coordinates are randomly displaced to protect the privacy of respondents.
  • Husband's survey ‹Surveys that used a separate questionnaire for husband's of women respondents (rather than a men's questionnaire).
  • Men's survey ‹Surveys that include men in addition to women as individual respondents.
  • Paper survey ‹Interviews conducted with paper questionnaires which are later entered into a computer at a central office.
  • Service availability ‹A survey of communities and the services available in those communities, mostly used in earlier surveys up until about 2006. Not part of the household or individual questionnaires.