Survey Summary

Philippines: In Depth, 1993
Survey Datasets
Data Available
HIV Testing
Not Collected
GPS Datasets
Not Collected
SPA Datasets
Not Applicable
Country: Philippines
Contract Phase: DHS-III
Implementing Organization: National Statistics Office
Fieldwork: October 1993 - December 1993
Status: Completed
Households: Sample Size: 12995
Female: All Women
Age: 15 to 49
Sample Size: 8481
Male: No male respondents
Facilities: N/A
Survey Characteristics
  • Abortion ‹Questions asking women about pregnancies that ended in an abortion. Includes pregnancy histories where abortion is mentioned as an outcome or when a question such as "Did you or someone else do something to end this pregnancy?" is used.
  • Anthropometry
  • Arm circumference
  • Calendar ‹The DHS calendar is a month by month history of certain key reproductive and contraceptive key events in the life of the woman respondent for the 5 years preceding the interview.
  • Domestic violence ‹A set of questions on lifetime experience of domestic violence. Typically asked of women only but in some surveys asked of men.
  • Paper survey ‹Interviews conducted with paper questionnaires which are later entered into a computer at a central office.
  • Pregnancy history ‹A full enumeration of all pregnancies to women interviewed as opposed to a birth history which only includes live births.
  • Women's status ‹Questions asking individuals about decision-making, ownership of house/land, use of banks, and other related questions. Can be asked of women and/or men. These are included as part of the core questionnaire.