DHS in the News


SV Subramaniam and KS James (The Lancet Global Health Correspondence)

"...In the absence of universal testing, a random-sample-based population surveillance framework is urgently needed. We propose using the well established Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) framework as a solution to ascertain the true prevalence of COVID-19..."

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SV Subramaniam and KS James (The Lancet Global Health Correspondence)

"...In the absence of universal testing, a random-sample-based population surveillance framework is urgently needed. We propose using the well established Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) framework as a solution to ascertain the true prevalence of COVID-19..."

URL to article: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-109X%2820%2930213-8/fulltext#%20