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...For work by Vinod Mishra of Macro International, a research firm under contract to the American government, suggests women are not always the innocent vessels that HIV epidemiology takes them for. And that, in turn, means the models that epidemiology relies on may be wrong.

Dr Mishra presented his findings at the HIV/AIDS Implementers' Meeting held last week in Kigali. He had examined medical and demographic surveys from 11 African countries in order to extract data on what are known as discordant couples...

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...For work by Vinod Mishra of Macro International, a research firm under contract to the American government, suggests women are not always the innocent vessels that HIV epidemiology takes them for. And that, in turn, means the models that epidemiology relies on may be wrong.

Dr Mishra presented his findings at the HIV/AIDS Implementers' Meeting held last week in Kigali. He had examined medical and demographic surveys from 11 African countries in order to extract data on what are known as discordant couples...

URL to article: http://www.economist.com/node/9401560?story_id=9401560