DHS in the News


VOK BIKOL (Philippines)

...."The voice of the youth should not be ignored in the debate on the RH Bill. In 2010, there are 28.2 million Filipino youth or 30% of the population." Gorres said. "From this number, according to the NDHS (NationalDemographic and Health Survey), 10% of all 15-19 year old girls are already mothers." Gorres added....

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VOK BIKOL (Philippines)

...."The voice of the youth should not be ignored in the debate on the RH Bill. In 2010, there are 28.2 million Filipino youth or 30% of the population." Gorres said. "From this number, according to the NDHS (National Demographic and Health Survey), 10% of all 15-19 year old girls are already mothers." Gorres added....

URL to article: http://www.voxbikol.com/article/student-leaders-pledge-block-re-election-anti-rh-lawmakers-2013