DHS in the News


Christine Mungai

It’s a fact most of us are familiar with through intuition or anecdotes — the longer a girl stays in school, the longer she is likely to delay marriage, and the fewer children she is likely to have.

But East Africa’s demographic and health surveys give empirical evidence and lend credence to this belief — that education is the number one factor that will influence when a woman gets married and when she starts having children.....

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Christine Mungai

It's a fact most of us are familiar with through intuition or anecdotes — the longer a girl stays in school, the longer she is likely to delay marriage, and the fewer children she is likely to have.

But East Africa's demographic and health surveys give empirical evidence and lend credence to this belief — that education is the number one factor that will influence when a woman gets married and when she starts having children.....

URL to article: http://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/news/Sex++childbirth++marriage++EA+women+shifting+views/-/2558/1229890/-/pgecdi/-/