DHS in the News


HUFFINGTON POST (New Delhi, India)

"The National Family Health Survey-4 (NFHS-4) for 2015-16 unveiled by the Health Ministry was conducted after collecting information from 6 lakh households, 7 lakh women and 1.3 lakh men, and for the first time provide district level estimates..."



HUFFINGTON POST (New Delhi, India)

"The National Family Health Survey-4 (NFHS-4) for 2015-16 unveiled by the Health Ministry was conducted after collecting information from 6 lakh households, 7 lakh women and 1.3 lakh men, and for the first time provide district level estimates..."

URL to article: http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2017/03/01/india-sees-improved-sex-ratio-decline-in-infant-mortality-rate_a_21864344/