DHS in the News


BDNEWS24 (Bangladesh)

...The latest Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) showed less than one in five family planning users choose a long-acting and permanent method, though there is high unmet need for delaying, spacing and limiting pregnancies.

It also showed that over 80 percent of people know about those methods.

"The campaign will help bridge the gap," he said...



BDNEWS24 (Bangladesh)

...The latest Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) showed less than one in five family planning users choose a long-acting and permanent method, though there is high unmet need for delaying, spacing and limiting pregnancies.

It also showed that over 80 percent of people know about those methods.

"The campaign will help bridge the gap," he said...

URL to article: http://www.bdnews24.com/details.php?id=194956&cid=13