DHS in the News


Ingy Deif
AHRAM ONLINE (Cairo, Egypt)

"As for wasting, defined as low weight for height, it has increased significantly since 2000, especially among girls, standing at eight percent. Underweight stands at six per cent, and incidence of anemia at 27 percent..."



Ingy Deif
AHRAM ONLINE (Cairo, Egypt)

"As for wasting, defined as low weight for height, it has increased significantly since 2000, especially among girls, standing at eight percent. Underweight stands at six per cent, and incidence of anemia at 27 percent..."

URL to article: http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/7/48/313609/Life--Style/Health/Child-malnutrition-in-Egypt-Breaking-the-vicious-c.aspx