Abortion Questions asking women about pregnancies that ended in an abortion. Includes pregnancy histories where abortion is mentioned as an outcome or when a question such as "Did you or someone else do something to end this pregnancy?" is used. |
Alcohol consumption
Alcohol consumption Questions asking about the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Can be asked of women and/or men. |
Blood pressure questions
Blood pressure questions Questions asking if individuals have been diagnosed with high blood pressure also known as hypertension. These questions are now included in the chronic diseases module. This does not include blood pressure measurement which is recorded as a biomarker. Can be asked of women and/or men. |
Calendar The DHS calendar is a month by month history of certain key reproductive and contraceptive key events in the life of the woman respondent for the 5 years preceding the interview. |
CAPI survey
CAPI survey Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing. Interviews conducted directly on a tablet or laptop. |
Cervical cancer screening questions
Cervical cancer screening questions Questions asking women if they have been screened for cervical cancer. In DHS-8, these questions are included in the core questionnaire and additional questions are included in the chronic diseases module. |
Cooking fuel
Cooking fuel A question asking the household respondent about the type of cooking fuel used by the household. These are included as part of the core questionnaire. |
Diabetes questions
Diabetes questions Questions asking individuals about awareness of or diagnosis with diabetes. Can be asked of women and/or men. |
Fieldworker characteristics
Fieldworker characteristics A set of questions asking about the characteristics of all fieldworkers and included in a separate dataset. These data can be merged with survey responses to explore interviewer effects. |
GPS/georeferenced Surveys with latitude and longitude coordinates for survey clusters. Note that cluster coordinates are randomly displaced to protect the privacy of respondents. |
HIV behavior
HIV behavior Questions asking individuals about behavioral risk factors related to the transmission of HIV. Can be asked of women and/or men. These are included as part of the core questionnaire. |
HIV knowledge
HIV knowledge Questions asking individuals about their knowledge about HIV. Can be asked of women and/or men. These are included as part of the core questionnaire. |
Iodine salt test
Iodine salt test Household salt tested for the presence of iodine. |
Male circumcision self-reported
Male circumcision self-reported Questions asking men about their circumcision status. |
Men's survey
Men's survey Surveys that include men in addition to women as individual respondents. |
Tobacco use
Tobacco use Questions asking individuals about the consumption of smoked and smokeless tobacco products. Can be asked of women and/or men. |
Tuberculosis questions
Tuberculosis questions Questions asking individuals about their knowledge and attitudes about tuberculosis. Can be asked of women and/or men. |
Vaccine hesitancy
Vaccine hesitancy A set of questions asking the mother about the reasons a child did not receive childhood vaccines. |
Women's status
Women's status Questions asking individuals about decision-making, ownership of house/land, use of banks, and other related questions. Can be asked of women and/or men. These are included as part of the core questionnaire. |