Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Not in any risk category
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey not in any high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_NON
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: First birth
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey which are first births. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_FOB
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_A18
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_A34
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_B24
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_BO3
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Single risk category
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in a single high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_SNG
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_A1B
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_A2B
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth order > 3
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_ABO
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_A3B
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_BIO
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Multiple risk categories
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in multiple high-risk categories. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_MLT
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: In any avoidable risk category
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in any high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_ANY
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 subtotal
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_A1S
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 subtotal
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_A3S
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_B1S
Indicator description
Indicator: High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 subtotal
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category.
Denominator: Births in five years preceding survey
Group: High-risk fertility behaviour: risk ratio
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_HRFR_C_B3S
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Not in any risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey not in any high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: First birth Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey which are first births. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Single risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in a single high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age < 18 & birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18 and with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth interval < 24 months Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34 & birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Age > 34, birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34 and with a birth interval < 24 and birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 & birth order > 3 Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 and a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Multiple risk categories Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in multiple high-risk categories. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: In any avoidable risk category Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey in any high-risk category. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific high-risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any high-risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age < 18 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age < 18. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Mother's age > 34 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey to mothers age > 34. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth interval < 24 months subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth interval < 24 months. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)
High-risk fertility risk ratio: Birth order > 3 subtotal Risk ratio of children born in the last five years preceding the survey with a birth order > 3. Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead among births in a specific risk category to the proportion dead among births not in any risk category. Births in five years preceding survey (C)