Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Stillbirths
Measure: Number
Definition: Number of stillbirths for the five-year period preceding the survey. Stillbirths are fetal deaths in pregnancies of 7 months or more.
Denominator: Number of pregnancies 7+ months
Group: Perinatal mortality
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 0
Indicator ID: CM_PNMR_C_NSB
Indicator description
Indicator: Stillbirth rate
Measure: Rate
Definition: Stillbirth rate for the five-year period preceding the survey per 1,000 pregnancies of 7+ months duration. Stillbirths are fetal deaths in pregnancies of 7 months or more.
Denominator: Number of pregnancies 7+ months
Group: Perinatal mortality
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 0
Indicator ID: CM_PNMR_C_SBR
Indicator description
Indicator: Early neonatal deaths
Measure: Number
Definition: Number of early neonatal deaths for the five-year period preceding the survey. Early neonatal deaths are deaths at age 0-6 days among live-born children.
Denominator: Number of pregnancies 7+ months
Group: Perinatal mortality
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 0
Indicator ID: CM_PNMR_C_NEN
Indicator description
Indicator: Early neonatal mortality rate
Measure: Rate
Definition: Early neonatal mortality rate for the five-year period preceding the survey per 1,000 live births.
Denominator: Number of live births
Group: Perinatal mortality
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 0
Indicator ID: CM_PNMR_C_ENR
Indicator description
Indicator: Perinatal mortality rate (5 years)
Measure: Rate
Definition: Perinatal mortality rate for the five-year period preceding the survey, defined as the sum of the stillbirths and early neonatal deaths divided by the number of pregnancies of 7 or months' duration, expressed per 1,000 pregnancies.
Denominator: Number of pregnancies 7+ months
Group: Perinatal mortality
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 0
Indicator ID: CM_PNMR_C_PMR
Indicator description
Indicator: Ratio of stillbirths to early neonatal deaths
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Ratio of the stillbirths to the early neonatal deaths for the five years preceding the survey.
Denominator: Number of early neonatal deaths
Group: Perinatal mortality
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: CM_PNMR_C_RSE
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Stillbirths Number of stillbirths for the five-year period preceding the survey. Stillbirths are fetal deaths in pregnancies of 7 months or more. Number of pregnancies 7+ months (C)
Stillbirth rate Stillbirth rate for the five-year period preceding the survey per 1,000 pregnancies of 7+ months duration. Stillbirths are fetal deaths in pregnancies of 7 months or more. Number of pregnancies 7+ months (C)
Early neonatal deaths Number of early neonatal deaths for the five-year period preceding the survey. Early neonatal deaths are deaths at age 0-6 days among live-born children. Number of pregnancies 7+ months (C)
Early neonatal mortality rate Early neonatal mortality rate for the five-year period preceding the survey per 1,000 live births. Number of live births (C)
Perinatal mortality rate (5 years) Perinatal mortality rate for the five-year period preceding the survey, defined as the sum of the stillbirths and early neonatal deaths divided by the number of pregnancies of 7 or months' duration, expressed per 1,000 pregnancies. Number of pregnancies 7+ months (C)
Ratio of stillbirths to early neonatal deaths Ratio of the stillbirths to the early neonatal deaths for the five years preceding the survey. Number of early neonatal deaths (C)