Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Median duration postpartum amenorrheic
Measure: Median
Definition: Median number of months of postpartum amenorrheic
Denominator: Births in the 3 years preceding the survey
Group: Postpartum insusceptibility duration
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: FE_PPID_W_MDA
Indicator description
Indicator: Median duration postpartum abstaining
Measure: Median
Definition: Median number of months of postpartum abstaining
Denominator: Births in the 3 years preceding the survey
Group: Postpartum insusceptibility duration
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: FE_PPID_W_MDB
Indicator description
Indicator: Median duration postpartum insusceptible
Measure: Median
Definition: Median number of months of postpartum insusceptible (either still amenorrheic or still abstaining following the birth)
Denominator: Births in the 3 years preceding the survey
Group: Postpartum insusceptibility duration
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: FE_PPID_W_MDI
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Median duration postpartum amenorrheic Median number of months of postpartum amenorrheic Births in the 3 years preceding the survey (W)
Median duration postpartum abstaining Median number of months of postpartum abstaining Births in the 3 years preceding the survey (W)
Median duration postpartum insusceptible Median number of months of postpartum insusceptible (either still amenorrheic or still abstaining following the birth) Births in the 3 years preceding the survey (W)