Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Current school attendance rate of orphans aged 10-14
Measure: Percent
Definition: Current school attendance rate of orphans aged 10-14
Denominator: De jure children 10-14 years of age with both parents deceased
Group: School attendance by survivorship of parents
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: ED_SCHA_C_SCD
Indicator description
Indicator: Current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 both of whose parents are alive and who live with at least one parent
Measure: Percent
Definition: Current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 both of whose parents are alive and who live with at least one parent
Denominator: De jure children 10-14 years of age with both parents alive and living with at least one parent
Group: School attendance by survivorship of parents
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: ED_SCHA_C_SCA
Indicator description
Indicator: Ratio of orphans to non-orphans who are in school - mother, father or both dead
Measure: Ratio
Definition: Ratio of orphaned children aged 10-14 (who have lost either parent) in a household survey who are currently attending school to non-orphaned children the same age who are attending school.
Denominator: Percentage attending school of children with both parents alive and living with at least one parent
Group: School attendance by survivorship of parents
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 2
Indicator ID: ED_SCHA_C_SCR
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Current school attendance rate of orphans aged 10-14 Current school attendance rate of orphans aged 10-14 De jure children 10-14 years of age with both parents deceased (C)
Current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 both of whose parents are alive and who live with at least one parent Current school attendance rate of children aged 10-14 both of whose parents are alive and who live with at least one parent De jure children 10-14 years of age with both parents alive and living with at least one parent (C)
Ratio of orphans to non-orphans who are in school - mother, father or both dead Ratio of orphaned children aged 10-14 (who have lost either parent) in a household survey who are currently attending school to non-orphaned children the same age who are attending school. Percentage attending school of children with both parents alive and living with at least one parent (C)