Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Cuts, bruises or aches resulting from spousal violence
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced cuts, bruises or aches resulting from spousal violence
Denominator: Ever-married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence
Group: Injuries to women due to spousal violence
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: DV_INJR_W_CUT
Indicator description
Indicator: Eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns resulting from spousal violence
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns resulting from spousal violence
Denominator: Ever-married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence
Group: Injuries to women due to spousal violence
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: DV_INJR_W_INJ
Indicator description
Indicator: Deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury resulting from spousal violence
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury resulting from spousal violence
Denominator: Ever-married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence
Group: Injuries to women due to spousal violence
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: DV_INJR_W_WND
Indicator description
Indicator: Any of these injuries resulting from spousal violence
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced any of these injuries resulting from spousal violence
Denominator: Ever-married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence
Group: Injuries to women due to spousal violence
Universe: Women
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: DV_INJR_W_ANY
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Cuts, bruises or aches resulting from spousal violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced cuts, bruises or aches resulting from spousal violence Ever-married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (W)
Eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns resulting from spousal violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced eye injuries, sprains, dislocations, or burns resulting from spousal violence Ever-married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (W)
Deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury resulting from spousal violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced deep wounds, broken bones, broken teeth, or any other serious injury resulting from spousal violence Ever-married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (W)
Any of these injuries resulting from spousal violence Percentage of ever married women or never married women who have experienced any of these injuries resulting from spousal violence Ever-married women or never married women who ever had an intimate partner who have ever experienced any physical or sexual violence (W)