Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Median duration of any breastfeeding
Measure: Median
Definition: Median duration of any breastfeeding (months)
Denominator: Children born in the three years preceding the survey
Group: Duration of breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BFDR_C_MDA
Indicator description
Indicator: Median duration of exclusive breastfeeding
Measure: Median
Definition: Median duration of exclusive breastfeeding (months)
Denominator: Children born in the three years preceding the survey
Group: Duration of breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BFDR_C_MDE
Indicator description
Indicator: Median duration of predominant breastfeeding
Measure: Median
Definition: Median duration of predominant breastfeeding (months). Predominant breastfeeding includes children exclusively breastfed or receiving breastmilk and plain water, and/or non-milk liquids only.
Denominator: Children born in the three years preceding the survey
Group: Duration of breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BFDR_C_MDP
Indicator description
Indicator: Mean duration of any breastfeeding
Measure: Mean
Definition: Mean duration of any breastfeeding (months)
Denominator: Children born in the three years preceding the survey
Group: Duration of breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BFDR_C_MNA
Indicator description
Indicator: Mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding
Measure: Mean
Definition: Mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding (months)
Denominator: Children born in the three years preceding the survey
Group: Duration of breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BFDR_C_MNE
Indicator description
Indicator: Mean duration of predominant breastfeeding
Measure: Mean
Definition: Mean duration of predominant breastfeeding (months). Predominant breastfeeding includes children exclusively breastfed or receiving breastmilk and plain water, and/or non-milk liquids only.
Denominator: Children born in the three years preceding the survey
Group: Duration of breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BFDR_C_MNP
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Median duration of any breastfeeding Median duration of any breastfeeding (months) Children born in the three years preceding the survey (C)
Median duration of exclusive breastfeeding Median duration of exclusive breastfeeding (months) Children born in the three years preceding the survey (C)
Median duration of predominant breastfeeding Median duration of predominant breastfeeding (months). Predominant breastfeeding includes children exclusively breastfed or receiving breastmilk and plain water, and/or non-milk liquids only. Children born in the three years preceding the survey (C)
Mean duration of any breastfeeding Mean duration of any breastfeeding (months) Children born in the three years preceding the survey (C)
Mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding Mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding (months) Children born in the three years preceding the survey (C)
Mean duration of predominant breastfeeding Mean duration of predominant breastfeeding (months). Predominant breastfeeding includes children exclusively breastfed or receiving breastmilk and plain water, and/or non-milk liquids only. Children born in the three years preceding the survey (C)