Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Children ever breastfed
Measure: Percent
Definition: Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who were ever breastfed
Denominator: Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey
Group: Initial breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BRFI_C_EVR
Indicator description
Indicator: Children who started breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth
Measure: Percent
Definition: Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who started breasteeding within 1 hour of birth
Denominator: Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey
Group: Initial breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BRFI_C_1HR
Indicator description
Indicator: Children who started breastfeeding within 1 day of birth
Measure: Percent
Definition: Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who started breasteeding within 1 day of birth, inclunding those that started within 1 hour of birth, including children who started breastfeeding within 1 hours of birth
Denominator: Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey
Group: Initial breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BRFI_C_1DY
Indicator description
Indicator: Children who were exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth
Measure: Percent
Definition: Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth
Denominator: Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey
Group: Initial breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BRFI_C_E2D
Indicator description
Indicator: Children who received a prelacteal feed
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of children who received a prelacteal feed of those children born in the two years preceding the survey who were ever breastfed. A prelacteal feed is defined as giving something other than breast milk during the first three days of life.
Denominator: Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey who were ever breastfed
Group: Initial breastfeeding
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CN_BRFI_C_PLF
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Children ever breastfed Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who were ever breastfed Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey (C)
Children who started breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who started breasteeding within 1 hour of birth Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey (C)
Children who started breastfeeding within 1 day of birth Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage who started breasteeding within 1 day of birth, inclunding those that started within 1 hour of birth, including children who started breastfeeding within 1 hours of birth Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey (C)
Children who were exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth Among last-born children born in the two years preceding the survey the percentage exclusively breastfed for the first 2 days after birth Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey (C)
Children who received a prelacteal feed Percentage of children who received a prelacteal feed of those children born in the two years preceding the survey who were ever breastfed. A prelacteal feed is defined as giving something other than breast milk during the first three days of life. Last-born children born in the 2 years preceding the survey who were ever breastfed (C)