Indicator Explorer

Indicator description
Indicator: Birth weight of child reported by: written record
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported by: written record
Denominator: Live births in the three/five years preceding the survey
Group: Child's size and weight at birth
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CH_SZWT_C_REW
Indicator description
Indicator: Birth weight of child reported by: mother's recall
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported by: mother's recall
Denominator: Live births in the three/five years preceding the survey
Group: Child's size and weight at birth
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CH_SZWT_C_REM
Indicator description
Indicator: Size of child at birth: Very small
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was very small
Denominator: Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
Group: Child's size and weight at birth
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CH_SZWT_C_VSM
Indicator description
Indicator: Size of child at birth: Smaller than average
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was smaller than average
Denominator: Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
Group: Child's size and weight at birth
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CH_SZWT_C_SML
Indicator description
Indicator: Size of child at birth: Average or larger
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was average or larger
Denominator: Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
Group: Child's size and weight at birth
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CH_SZWT_C_AVG
Indicator description
Indicator: Birth weight of child reported
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported numerically
Denominator: Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey
Group: Child's size and weight at birth
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CH_SZWT_C_REP
Indicator description
Indicator: Birth weight: Less than 2.5 kg
Measure: Percent
Definition: Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey whose birth weight was less than 2.5 kg
Denominator: Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a reported birth weight
Group: Child's size and weight at birth
Universe: Children
Type: Indicator
Decimals: 1
Indicator ID: CH_SZWT_C_L25
DHS Quickstats Indicators

  Indicator Name Indicator Definition Indicator Denominator  
Birth weight of child reported by: written record Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported by: written record Live births in the three/five years preceding the survey (C)
Birth weight of child reported by: mother's recall Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported by: mother's recall Live births in the three/five years preceding the survey (C)
Size of child at birth: Very small Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was very small Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (C)
Size of child at birth: Smaller than average Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was smaller than average Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (C)
Size of child at birth: Average or larger Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey where the size of the child at birth was average or larger Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (C)
Birth weight of child reported Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a birth weight reported numerically Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey (C)
Birth weight: Less than 2.5 kg Percentage of live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey whose birth weight was less than 2.5 kg Live births in the five (or three) years preceding the survey with a reported birth weight (C)